Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Three Decades in Blood: True Blood

True Blood a current HBO series based on Southern Vampire Mysteries novels that has much in common with the vampires presented in Requiem and Masquerade. The largest single difference has more to do with the setting in which they reside namely that this is a blend of horror and supernatural romance where the truth of vampires existence is known and "accepted" by humanity at large. That is to say that there existence afforded the same rights and protections that the rest of the citizens of the US enjoy. Despite a diet of human blood they are able to survive purely on an artificial blood stock something that makes this coexistence possible. Its a creative setting in a post Masquerade, post Buffy, post Millennial look at the vampire legend and is laden with the all the sex and death Alan Ball can bring to the show. It doesn't hurt the series runs in an uncensored format. 

Only Daeva
Blood Potency
Vampires are not subject to the diet restrictions of high Blood Potency.
Predator's Taint
Do not suffer from the effect of Predator's Taint.
The Embrace
Vampires sire exactly as in Vampire the Requiem however the transformation takes 24 hours and requires that the 'maker' bury themselves alongside of the intended vampire, this establishes the deep mystical bond that ties a newly made vampire to its creator.
The Blood
Vampires cannot perform or be subjected to Diablerie. Vinculum does not function among vampires but it does have the first level and second level upon human beings and invariably cause sexual fantasies about the vampire responsible for the Vinculum. Ghouls can only gain access physical disciplines. A human who consumes vampire blood outside of the vampires body becomes a Ghoul although only for the duration of a scene after which they become subject to a random affect of a drug (determined by the Storyteller). For example if Carter downs a Vial of "V" he may experience the dreamy affect of LSD or find himself with a serious case of the munchies. Blood addiction remains the same, however vampires themselves are not subject to it. 
Maker & Progeny
While Blood Ties & Blood Sympathy remains they are only between the Maker and their Progeny. Active use of Blood Sympathy to send strong feelings add a +3 bonus. Treat any command issued by a Maker (ie "As your Maker I command you....") to a Progeny as though the Maker was utilizing Mesmerize and achieved a single success on the roll against the Progeny, this costs a single point of Willpower. At any point the Maker may utilize Summoning to call the Progeny this is rolled as normal but costs only a single point of willpower.
Can utilize Celerity, Vigor, Resilience, Majesty, and Dominate. They begin with a single dot in Auspex(limited to 1), Celerity, Vigor, and Resilience and an additional three points to spread among the rest. They may also purchase the power of Flight (limited by the speed at which they can run) for 16 experience.
Physiology & Torpor 
Vampires do not suffer from Torpor. They may choose to remain awake during the day if they choose with no ill affect. If deprived of sleep during the day they will suffer from a condition known as the Bleeds. The first time a vampire remains awake for a 24 hour period without 'sleep' they lose an additional point of Vitae. This 'bleeding' period is reduced by half each cycle. (ie In addition to the "waking" cost another Vitae point is lost at 24, 36, 42, 45 hours and an additional point every hour after that). A vampire who runs out of Vitae begins to suffer a level of Aggravated damage in place of the Vitae that would normally animate them. This also applies when a vampire runs out of Vitae. 
UV rays are damaging like the rays of the Sun, however they inflict Lethal damage rather than Aggravated.
Final Death
A vampire staked with a wooden implement immediately bursts into a torrent of gore leaving only a pile of offal.
These can be found in The Danse Macabre and are identical save where changes have been listed below.
Lethal Bindings pg. 197, Silver.
Uninvited pg.195 A character cannot enter into a home unless invited, if uninvited they are immediately forced out as though blown like paper in a strong wind.
Vulnerability pg. 194, UV Lights, use the sunlight chart for determining damage.
Vulnerability, severe pg. 194, Silver. 

The vampires of True Blood are nearly identical to those presented in Masquerade and Requiem, although with the sexual aspects dialed up to 11. Strange Dead Love is a great place to start for constructing stories based on the ideas of supernatural romance and sexuality. A extremely devoted vampire 'fan' could have forged this Daeva bloodline by accident based on her own skewed perceptions about her condition as one of the damned. The setting however, is certainly worth a look. It sets vampires in a neofeudal society dealing with the consequences and difficulties of trying to live out in the open.  Rather than present the fall of the masquerade as an apocalyptic event, as in World of Darkness Mirrors,True Blood could serve as a starting point for running a game about bringing vampires out of the shadows and into the real world. There's certainly parallels between the vampire sects in True Blood and those in the Masquerade. A game could revolve around averting the terrorist plots of the Sabbat (or causing them), erasing evidence showing vampires in a negative light, or lobbying congress to expand the rights of undead Americans.

Tru Blood
Durability 1, Size 0, Structure 1, Cost ()
Bottles of Tru Blood provide all the sustenance a vampire could need with none of the enjoyable afterglow. Treat as stored plasma. A vampire has to drink a full 6 pack in order to garnish a single point of Vitae. Further the first time its imbibed the vampire must roll Resolve + Composure and accumulate 3 successes to finish it.
New & Modified Merits
In this setting Herd Merit cost is cut in half due to the prevalence of  open vampire bars, clubs, and other establishments.
Relationship (replaced by Ties) 
This Merit functions as per Relationship, see: The Danse Macabre,  but is expanded to include, places and things of extraordinary value or significance in the character's life. Uses of the object do not immediately gain the benefit of Ties (no +5 Axe of my Ancestors) rather action taken to secure, obtain, or protect them do. Objects are limited to something that could reasonably fit within a single room (a car is fine, a battleship is not), and places are limited to small towns, neighborhoods, or buildings (family estate, local cemetery, Hell's Kitchen are acceptable Manhattan or the Rockies is not).
Family (•-••)
Effect: Vampires are not always afforded the opportunity to leave mortal life without leaving mortals behind. Whether every family member who knew the character in life has since expired, or they simply have thought the vampire truly dead they've welcomed her home. Each dot represents the level of interest and willingness to provide support to the Kindred and the ability of the family to do so. One could represent a Kindred who can expect favorable dealings with distant cousins (or generations), three would represent  complete acceptance into the family.
Storytellers are encouraged to come up with reasonable guide lines for how much support the family can provide but a good rule of thumb an equal number of Merit dots can be substituted once per story equal to the rating of Old Family. For example Deborah has returned to her family after ten years of absence (Old Family ) her parents have passed on but her twin's family treat her reasonably well. She loses her haven to a fire and her sister lets her sleep her days away in the basement, as long as she agrees to be locked in (giving her a temporary Haven ).
Drawbacks: Clearly a vampires existence is a dangerous one and a Kindred's family represents a target to the character's enemies. Much like Allies, Family is a two way street, characters who abuse their Family might find them quickly deserting them.

Fangbanger (•••)
Prerequisite: mortal only
Effect: For some mortals the Kiss is more than just an act of feeding its an act of love, lust, and power all at once. Some mortals offer up their blood just for such a thrill over time they gain a certain sensitivity to vampires and resilience to the affects of the Kiss. They gain the benefit of Unseen Sense (vampires), +1 bonus to Resolve + Composure rolls to resist the Kiss should they choose (most don't), they are also treated as having the Quick Healer merit for the purpose of recovering from blood loss from the Kiss.
Drawback: In most mortal communities there are those that are prejudice to those who willing give themselves to vampires. Additionally some vampires view these "wanna be's" with little more than condensation. 

Legally Undead (••)
Effect: Kindred with this Merit have followed all the paperwork and correct documentation to "come out" into mortal society. They are treated largely as having all the same rights and privileges as mortals, so long as they continue to pay their taxes.
Drawback: The transition isn't quiet perfect...yet, Storytellers may add a single complication to any normal bureaucratic related activity (such as a trip to the DMV or a fishing license) and of course like any citizen the character is now subject to the laws of the land.
Tru Blood Junkie (••)
A vampire with this merit loves Tru Blood, for whatever reason the character has been able to overcome the natural distaste for the artificial blood substitute and gets slightly more nourishment than the rest of the damned. Double the Vitae gain from True Blood and ignore the prerequisite aversion roll upon trying it for the first time.

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